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Just found out

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject: Just found out

I am looking for what basically everyone else is.... I was just diagnosed with herpes 2. So far I have been able to take it ok, but I just don't know what to expect. Will it be this painful all the time? How long does the pain last? I am just scared of what will happen in the future. I am really scared to know what will happen when I loose my insurance. I just want to hear from other people. I want to know I am not alone and know what others have gone through so I don't feel like I am walking through this in the dark.

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject: It gets better

It definitely gets better. The first outbreak is the worse because your body hasn't built up any immunity to it. There are some natural supplements you can use if you do loose your insurance so don't panic. A healthy diet and reducing stress helps awhole lot. The emotional pain may take long to go away but the physical pain will get so much better sooner than later.

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`I've been living with it now for 7 years and emotionally it still takes a toll. Dating seems to be the hardest part of it because its just a hard thing to tell someone you really care for. I only find consolation in dating ppl who already have it since im not the cause of them getting it . The longer you have it the less outbreaks you get and you can take medication to lessen the chance (about 70 %) of spreading it to others. the first few outbreaks can be painful but it does get better and less frequent. Definitely is more of a psychological toll then a physical

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